
Dappsearch.io is an online directory to explore dapps, NFTs, DeFi, and exchanges from several protocols. Dapps are also known as Decentralized applications. This site should be resourceful to find dapps based on categories, and to help make a decision on choosing the right dapp for investment, and/or entertainment needs.

Our Team




Dappsearch.io was created by Michael Pierre. A software engineer from the United States with the passion of software development and an enthusiast in blockchain technolgy. Michael Pierre wanted to contribute to the cryptocurrency community, and developed this site in order to do so. Now we are expanding as of 2023.

DappSearch has been up and running since September 2021.

Our Technology

Ranking System

Our state of the art ranking system allows for a smarter detection on interaction with the dapps listed on our site directory. By using dappsearch.io in order to view dapps based on rankings you will be able to sort on “what's hot”, from the list of dapps that are AI ranked via dappsearch.io


We are rolling into web3. We are offering tools in order to assist on your defi needs, blockchain needs.
As of March 2022, we currently offer mainnet ETH wallets to generate. We also offer BTC wallet generator.
We temporarily disabled wallet generations. They will be back online.


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DappSearch.io offers 2 APIs. One of our APIs is called Stats data in which is an API to obtain market caps for cryptos, Our second API connects to the Solana blockchain. Our solana API is a RPC that can help provide Solana data to your blockchain application product.
We are in the process of rolling out ETH RPC API. It is alredy developed.

Social Community

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We have added a social community so that you can write posts. This is a beta version. The way we have the social community, is that when ever you opt-in to the social network you will have a Solana key created. This Solana key does not store value. Your social profile will be crticial in order to participate in our marketplace apps.

Last updated: Feb, 19 2023.
Jan, 22 2023.
Revision Dates:
Jan, 4th 2023.
April 9, 2021. 4:53 PM EST